11.05.2022 Award Ceremony "Let's become European citizens"

Award ceremony for high schools in Veneto
10am Award Ceremony online open to the citizens

==> Event inserited in the EU Celebration Day in venice 2022


Wednesday 11th of may 2022 at 10am it was held the award ceremony "Let's become European citizens" - edition 2021-2022 in collaboration with MIUR-USR Regional School Office for Veneto and MFE European Federalist Movement.

The "Let's Become European Citizens" Competition a.s. 2021/2022 for youth and schools is organized by the European Federalist Movement in collaboration with Europe Direct of the City of Venice to stimulate active and aware European citizenship. Competition for three-year students of secondary schools in the Veneto region.

Link of the page dedicated to the competition

Link of the virtual Teams page to follow the award ceremony 

Event program:
- Vice Mayor of the City of Venice
- Maurizio Molinari, Head of the Milan Office of the European Parliament
- MEPs from the North East constituency: Mara Bizzotto, Marco Zullo, Rosanna Conte 
- Laura Donà, USR Regional School Office for the Veneto Region
- Mariano Scotton, Councillor for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa (VI)
- Giorgio Anselmi, MFE European Federalist Movement
- Award ceremony for students who won the competition
Moderator: Francesca Vianello, Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice

List of mentions and awards for the 2021-2022 edition
Galieli High School - Belluno (BL)
- Jaime Faggin (special mention)
- Lorenzo Dal Pont (special mention)

De Nicola Institute - Piove di Sacco (PD) 
- Giulia Rudello (special mention) 
- Giulia Barzon (award)

Meucci Institute - Cittadella (PD)
- Marco Pastorello (special mention) 

Liceo Giorgione - Castelfranco (TV)
- Davide Squizzato (award) 

Angela Veronese High School - Montebelluna (TV)
- Giovanni Facchin (award) 

Silvia Ricci Institute - Legnago (VR) 
- Valeria Sinico (award) 
- Asma Nafid (special mention) 

Bruno Franchetti High School - Mestre (VE)
- Pietro Sinatora (award)

Zuccante Institute - Mestre (VE) 
- Marco Castellari (award) 

Some pictures of the event: 
premiazione 1
foto premiazione 6


Movimento Federalista Europeo

Segreteria regionale
Via Poloni 9 – 37122 Verona
tel. e fax: 045 8032194
e-mail: verona@mfe.it

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/08/2022 ore 18:32