13-15.05.2022 VeUMEU Venice Universities' Model European Union 2022

#VeUMEU #EUCelebrationDayVenice2022

Simulation of the legislative process of the European Union 
VeUMEU Venice Universities' Model European Union
 10am VIU, San Servolo Island, Venice
Entrance reserved to enrolled students 

==> Event inserited in the  nella EU Celebration Day in venice 2022



From May 13 to 15, 2022, the sixth VeUMEU Venice Universities' Model European Union legislative procedure simulation was held. The initiative was organized thanks to the collaboration between:

- Venice International University,
- Ca' Foscari University of Venice,
- Venice Diplomatic Society
- Europe Direct of the City of Venice,

The VeUMEU is supported even from Research service of the European Parliament (EPRS). Three policy analysts will participate in VeUMEU, providing expert advice and guidance to students during deliberations:

Gregor Erbach - Section Chief of the Climate Action Research and Monitoring Service, EPRS.
Andrés García Higuera - Policy Analyst at the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) and Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) and full professor at the University Castilla La Mancha - Spain 
Joanna Apap - Strategic Liaison for academia and think tanks in the Strategy and Coordination Unit, EPRS. 


EPRS has provided Topical Digests on the issues that will be discussed and debated during the simulation. See the documents below in the Supporting Materials section. 

As a simulation of the European Union's legislative procedure, participants fill the roles of members of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, following the steps of the ordinary legislative procedure by which European directives and regulations are adopted. A group of students also forms the corps of journalists, which is responsible for reporting on developments during the weekend of activities. The VeUMEU is an excellent opportunity for students to approach the world of multilateral diplomacy and hone their negotiation and leadership skills. Students will learn how the European legislative process works, rules of procedure, introduction of amendments, and how to draft EU directives and regulations.
For the 2022 edition, the Legal Acts adopted for the simulation are:


  •  Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act: The proposed Artificial Intelligence Regulation aims to establish harmonized standards for the EU (Artificial Intelligence Act). This proposal fulfills the political commitment of European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, who announced in her policy guidelines for the Commission 2019-2024, "A More Ambitious Union," and that the Commission would present legislation for a coordinated European approach on the human and ethical implications of AI. The EU's approach to artificial intelligence focuses on excellence and trust, with the goal of enhancing research and industrial capacity and ensuring fundamental rights. The European approach to artificial intelligence (AI) will help build a resilient Europe for the digital decade where people and businesses can enjoy the benefits of AI. It focuses on 2 areas: excellence in artificial intelligence and trusted AI. The European approach to AI will ensure that any improvements are based on standards that safeguard the functioning of markets and the public sector, as well as people's security and fundamental rights. It is based on EU values and fundamental rights and aims to give people and other users the confidence to adopt AI-based solutions, while encouraging businesses to develop them. Artificial intelligence should be a tool for people and be a force for good in society with the ultimate goal of increasing human well-being. Standards for AI available in the Union market or otherwise affecting people in the Union should therefore be human-centered, so that people can have confidence in safe and lawful use, including respect for fundamental rights. (Read here)
  • Social Climate Fund: The European Commission has proposed a regulation of the European Parliament and Council establishing a Social Climate Fund as part of the revision of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) under the Fit for 55, legislative packages such as the one in which the European Commission is proposing to extend emissions trading to the building and road transport sectors. Emissions from these sectors will not be covered by the current EU ETS, but by a new emissions trading scheme. To address any social impacts arising from this new system,
    - fund temporary direct income support for vulnerable households;
    - To support measures and investments that reduce emissions in the road transport and building sectors and, as a result, reduce costs for vulnerable households, micro-businesses and transport users. The new emissions trading scheme will place an annual limit on emissions from the road transport and buildings sectors, by which all allowances will be auctioned. The size of the Social Climate Fund will correspond to a specific share of revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances under the new system. The Fund is expected to provide funding to member states to support measures and investments for increased energy efficiency in buildings, decarbonization of heating and cooling in buildings, including the integration of energy from renewable sources, and providing better access to low-emission mobility and transport. These measures and investments should primarily benefit vulnerable households, micro-enterprises, or transport users. (Read here)

Material of support 
Topical Digest on the European Laws on climate 

Applications and participation
Participation is open to students from Ca 'Foscari University, Global Campus of Human Rights, VIU and VIU member universities. The selection of participants and allocation to institutions/committees is supervised by the Organizing Committee in order to achieve the highest level of international participation.

An intensive preparatory seminar takes place on Friday, April 22, 2022.
Participants must attend at least 70 percent of the activities (VeUMEU May 13-15 and the preparatory workshop), a certificate of attendance is also issued.
Selected participants are notified by April 15, 2022. 

There is no registration fee, as the event is free.
For more information, see the dedicated page in the website of Venice International University and Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


Some pictures of the event:
VeuMeu 4

For info:

Sito VIU - Venice International University
Come arrivare al VIU - Venice International University

Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/08/2022 ore 18:49