3.12.2019 - Work and Internship in the International Organizations - TREVISO

3rd December 2019 h 8.30 - 10.30 a.m.
"Lavoro e Stage nelle Organizzazioni Internazionali"
Aula Magna Palazzo San Leonardo
Riviera Garibaldi 13/e - Treviso
Lecturer: Bernd Fass (Eurocultura)

European Union, European Central Bank, UN, World Bank, UNESCO: these are just a few of the international organizations that regularly offer job and internship opportunities in Brusselles, New York, Paris, London and in many other major cities around the world. There are also thousands of non-profit organizations around the world, that operate in an international perspective.
Their activities concern political unification, peacekeeping, world finance, health, human rights, technological development, etc.
In order to withstand global competition, skills are needed which, in addition to strictly professional skills, also concern intercultural skills acquired during experience abroad.To access these opportunities by application or competition you need languages, a very good study curriculum, and, in case of work, qualified experience based on the training course you have done. Some personal characteristics such as flexibility, adaptability and teamwork are also required.The conference aims to give an overview of current trends and those of next few years, showing the right ways of finding work across the boarder.

Bernd Faas has been working in the international mobility sector for over 20 years. His professional experience concerns the orientation, preparation and implementation of activities abroad in the context of work, internships, training and voluntary work.

The association EuroCulture (www.eurocultura.it) of Vicenza deals with international mobility since 1993. Guidance counseling, the seminars "Careers Abroad" and "Mobi-Flash", the magazine "Ora di Muoversi" and the newsletter "Move" are some of the tools that allow us to define the appropriate path to grow personally and professionally through a stay abroad.
Free admission.

Some pictures:


More information:
Europe Direct - Municipality of Venice
Tel. 041 2748082 - toll free number 800 496200
Email: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it

Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/12/2019 ore 12:16