Animated reading of "A European fairy tale"
Friday May 22nd 2020 at 3.00 p.m. the animated reading of "A European fairy tale" was broadcasted live on Europe Direct's Facebook page. Link to the video on Facebook
The show involves the presence of narrator actors and a musician: together they lead the young spectators on a journey through Europe and through the world of fairy tales making them discover how anthropomorphic animals or witches, The enchantments or the trials to be overcome are a patrimony that belongs to all.
The event is the result of the cooperation between Europe Direct Venezia Veneto and the Pantakin Theater Company.
"There’s something we all do, big and small, Scandinavian or Portuguese, Belgian or Hungarian: we eat! The only difference is that in Berlin they make potato salad, in Bari the orecchiette at the top of turnip, in France the soup of Onion, the Mici (the sausages) in Romania….
But it’s something that we all do in the same way, big and small, we let ourselves be enchanted by stories. It doesn’t matter if we eat orecchiette or onion soup the stories or rather the Fairy Tales with their imaginary world we all share."
The fairy tales told this year are a selection of European fairy tales: "Giovannin without fear" from Italy, "La filastrocca della frittella" from Spain (a story present in many countries), "Cesaraggio and the troll" from Norway to also include a country of great Europe, in honour of its partner, the Council of Europe.
Quarantine imposed limits on video, homemade and sincere! The introduction of Europe Direct by the City of Venice is followed by the dialogue between the actors Emanuele Pasqualini and Francesca Botti. The sets are the result of the inventiveness and imagination of the daughters of Emanuele, who recreated the European flag with a blue pillowcase and the stars cut out of paper.
Some pictures of the set..
..and of the event:
Compagnia Teatrale Pantakin
Giudecca 620/622 - 30133 Venezia
041 2770407
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200