Creart 3.0 - calls

Bevilacqua La Masa is part of the European project CreArt 3.0 #stringing_ together. Creart 3.0 is a project funded under the Creative Europe Programme. 13 European cities will be involved in the exchange of experiences and good practices to promote contemporary art in all its forms: visual, performing and musical.

Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (BLM), in collaboration with the Venetian Research and Innovation District (DVRI), on the occasion of the European Month of Creativity, publishes a call for the selection of video/media/digital art for the exhibition L’HABITAT DI DOMANI. CreArt 3.0 #stringing together, which will take place at the Sala del Camino, Chiostro SS. Cosma and Damiano Giudecca 620, Giudecca (Venice) from 9 May to 2 June 2024.

Download here the call for participation and the partecipation form.

Participation is free and reserved for artists of any nationality, residents or domiciled in the metropolitan city of Venice, aged between 18 and 40 on the expiry date of this notice. The deadline for sending all the documentation for participation in this call is scheduled for 25 March 2024 at midnight. Participation is free.

The Istituzione Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa announces a call for applications to assign two young artists a space in Venice (at Palazzo Carminati in San Stae) where they can study and work for a period of five weeks: from 27 May to 30 June 2024.

Download here the call for Assignment 2024 and information about the guesthouses.

To participate, applicants must be between 18 and 40 years of age on the deadline date of this call and be resident or domiciled in one of the cities in the project network. The deadline for sending all the documentation for participation in this call is scheduled for 25 March 2024 at midnight. Participation is free.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 29/04/2024 ore 10:44