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9-11.11.2023 ExpoSchool: school and career guidance exhibition
From Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th November 2023, from 9:00 am to 6.00 pm, the exhibition ExpoSchool, dedicated to educational and vocational guidance, took place: there were meetings, seminars, workshops for students, parents, teachers and school directors, organized at the
Fair of Padua in
Niccolò Tommaseo Street, 59.
ExpoSchool had the aim to give orientation to young people and their families in the choice of the educational and training path after middle school, and it consisted in a place dedicated to the exchange of ideas, to comparison and to the deepening of knowledge of the topics which come across the world of school and work.
At the fairground, among the others, there was also the stand of the Province of Padua, partner of the Venetian sub-web Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice.
During the ExpoSchool exhibition, the
Public Educational Service of the Province of Padua proposed
school orientation meetings, guided by experts and dedicated to girls and boys who must choose which high school with an openness to the European scenario to attend:
"Choosing high school" by Dr. De Gioia
"Orientation: Which school is made for me?" by Dr. Soffiato
Here are some pictures of the 2023 edition:

For information:
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - Venezia
hotline 800 496200
fax 041 2748182
Ultimo aggiornamento: 01/12/2023 ore 10:16