29.06-01.07.2023 - "The water resource: from the Dolomites to the Sea"
WATCH THE VIDEO OF THE INITIATIVE on the Youtube channel of Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
WATCH THE RECORDING OF THE VARIOUS CONFERENCE SESSIONS on the Youtube channel of Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Launched in 2022, the initiative is the result of a collaboration between the City of Venice, CAI Club Alpinismo Italiano, Ufficio Regionale UNESCO per la scienza e la cultura in Europa, CNR Consiglio Nazionale di Ricerca, Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO and Europe Direct Venezia Veneto del Comune di Venezia, joined by the Consorzio di Bonifica Acque Risorgive, the Consorzio dei Comuni del Bacino Imbrifero Montano del Fiume Piave per la Provincia di Venezia and the Teatro La Fenice.
"The City of Venice is very connected to water, and for this reason we could not but support again this initiative that was so successful last year," stressed Councillor for the Environment, Massimiliano De Martin. "The best environmental policy is the one that is made when scientific data provided by researchers and experts is taken into consideration, creating a strong synergy. The three-day program is very rich, and science, researchers and art will be given the floor first and foremost. Events like these are necessary to raise awareness of a complex issue that affects us all, politics first and foremost."
=> Thursday, June 29:
15.00 Greetings from the authorities
Luigi Brugnaro - Mayor of the City of Venice
Renato Frigo - President of CAI Veneto
Silvio Zanatta - President of the Refuge Commission Cai Mestre
video Ana Luiza Thompson-Flores - Director UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe -
Antonio Parenti - Head of Representation in Italy of the European Commission - remote connection
Mario Sprovieri - Director CNR-ISMAR
Alessandro Bonaldo - President of the CAI Section of Mestre
15.40 The importance of coordination at different levels in environmental policies (Massimiliano De Martin - Assessore all'Urbanistica, Edilizia Privata e Ambiente del Comune di Venezia)
15.50 Open-air concert by the masters of the Teatro la Fenice in Venice (Fortunato Ortombina - Superintendent Teatro La Fenice, The Music of / from water)
16.50 Venice, a sentinel sensitive to climate change: from data to communication (Alvise Papa - Resp. Serv. Center for Tide Forecasting and Reporting, City of Venice) -
17.05 Why UNESCO and its UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe? (Wally Merotto - UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe)
17.15 The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023: partnerships and cooperation for water (Francesco Vettore - UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe)
17.30 Climate change at the scale of the Mediterranean basin and northern Italy: the Copernicus Climate Service project (Chunxue Yang - CNR-ISMAR researcher)
17.45 The role of the Europe Direct network in communicating the European Green Deal (Francesca Vianello - Europe Direct)
18.00 Question Time and Coffee Break
18.30 Paleoclimatology, what lessons from the past: the rocks of the Dolomites tell (Piero Gianolla, Professor of Geology at the University of Ferrara and member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation)
18.45 Fifty years of changes for the Antelao glaciers (Giuseppe Perini - Italian Glaciological Scientific Committee of the Italian Alpine Club)
19.15 Question Time
8.30am Excursion to the Lower Antelao Glacier - Comments and observations by glaciologist Giuseppe Perini and geologist Piero Gianolla.
15.00 A decade for the sea: the activities of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (Esteban Gottfried Burguett - UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Culture in Europe)
15.15 The management of the minor hydrographic network between needs and opportunities (Matteo Busolin - Head of the Municipal Services Office - Acque Risorgive Drainage Consortium - Management Area)
15.30 The ascent of the saline wedge. What dangers for the ecosystem? (Angela Pomaro - CNR Researcher - ISMAR)
15.45 Research and enhancement of groundwater resources in Alpine territories: state-of-the-art geophysical methods (Roberto Francese - Professor of Earth Physics and Applied Geophysics, University of Parma (C.A.I.)
16.00 The Venice Municipality's Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan: what adaptation actions for water resource management? (Cristiana Scarpa - Claudia Ferrari - Air and Climate Service of the Municipality of Venice)
16.25 Question Time and Coffee Break
16.45 A diffuse environmental redevelopment project - the experience of the Consorzio di Bonifica Acque Risorgive (Piero Zanette - Head of Planning Office Consorzio di Bonifica Acque Risorgive)
17.00 Regulation interventions water plan - update water plan (Marco Bordin - Director Urban Planning Office of the City of Venice)
17.15 The BIM consortiums, what they are and how they contribute to the socio-economic development and environmental protection of the Piave Mountain Catchment Area, from the Dolomites to the Sea (Marco Abordi - BIM Consortium)
17.30 The MAB Unesco Biosphere Reserve of the Julian Alps. Challenges and territorial alliances in water valorisation actions (Dr. Antonio Andrich - Julian Alps UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Dir. Julian Prealps Natural Park Authority)
17.45 Water in the Julian Alps UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve: monitoring and management of an essential element in the balances between Man and Environment (Ing. Federica Lippi - Reg. Aut. Friuli V. G. Dir. Centrale Difesa dell'Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile)
18.00 Question Time and Conclusions
8:30 a.m. Hike to Forcella Piccola - Comments and observations by geologist Piero Gianolla.
10.15 Personal luggage delivery to the cable car.
10.45 Refuge attendance in the context of climate change. Experiences at the Galassi Refuge (Francesco Abbruscato - Vice Pres. Operating Structure Refuges of CAI; Silvio Zanatta - Manager of the Galassi Refuges City of Mestre)
11.15 Conclusion of the seminar and greetings

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