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22.06.2023 - Public meeting "Energy and environmental sustainability in Europe: the drives of the younger generation and the role of professionals"

#EUSEW2023 #EnergyDays
Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., the public meeting
"Energy and Environmental Sustainability in Europe: the Pushes of the Young Generations and the Role of Professionals" was held at the Bissuola Park in Mestre, organized by the
City of Venice - Europe Direct in collaboration with the
Gioventù Federalista Europea of Venice, the Association
NordEstSudOvest, and representatives of young professionals from the Venetian technical professional orders working in the field of land and energy management: Architects PPC, Engineers, Surveyors and Industrial Experts.
The public meeting is connected to the
Anniversary of the inauguration of the European Bench at Bissuola Park in Mestre on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 5 p.m. and is one of the events scheduled for
SEW European Sustainable Eenergy Week. The theme of this year's SEW is
"Accelerating the clean energy transition - towards lower bills and greater skills." Venice is participating in SEW European Sustainable Energy Week events in line with the central event in Brussels.
The public meeting was held at Bar Double C, Albanese Bissuola Park, Mestre-Venice. Free drinks while seats lasted.
Closing remarks
Some photos from the event:
For further information:
Via Spalti, 28 - 30174 Mestre Venezia
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/06/2023 ore 09:59