2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage

The year 2018 opens the European Year of Cultural Heritage, whose purpose is to raise the awareness and commitment of all Europeans towards various projects in support of culture and cultural heritage by the Union European and in favor of the debate on the theme concerning the motto "Our heritage: where the past meets the future".
The theme of the European Year 2018 was suggested by the European Commission and welcomed by the Parliament and the Council and represents an opportunity to underline the commitment of the EU and its Member States to encourage the regard of the European cultural heritage as a shared resourse, raise awareness of the importance of history and common values and strengthen the sense of European identity.
The initiative will benefit with an allocation of 8 million euro and will support activities such as:
- the realization of events that will promote debates, raise awareness of the importance and value of cultural heritage and facilitate the involvement of citizens and stakeholders;
- the spread of information, exhibitions and education and awareness campaigns to convey values such as diversity and intercultural dialogue through evidence of Europe's rich cultural heritage and to stimulate the public's contribution to the protection and management of cultural heritage and, more generally , to achieve the objectives of the European Year;
- sharing experiences and good practices by national, regional and local administrations and other organizations and disseminating information on cultural heritage, including through Europeana;
- conducting studies and research and innovation activities and disseminating their results on a national or European scale;
- the promotion of networks and projects related to the European Year, through media and social networks.
Throughout the year different events will take place at local, national and European level, which will be a precious opportunity to involve citizens, especially young people, in the rediscovery of cultural heritage, be it tangible, intangible, natural, or digital, of history and common values that unite us. According to Tibor Navracsics' quote, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, "our cultural heritage represents", in fact, "not only the memory of our past, but also the key to our future".
"Cultural heritage is at the heart of the European model of life, it defines who we are and creates a sense of belonging: cultural heritage is not only made by literature, art and objects, but also by hancrafts legacies, the stories we tell about the food we eat and the films we watch. It is necessary to preserve our cultural heritage and give value to it for future generations.This year of celebrations will be an excellent opportunity to encourage people, especially young people, to explore the rich cultural diversity and to think about the role that cultural heritage plays in our lives: cultural heritage allows us to understand the past and build the future. "
The 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage was officially launched at the European Cultural Forum, the most important event dedicated to the cultural sector organized by the European Commission, which took place this year on 7 and 8 December in Milan , in the creative district Superstudio Più, with an audience of about 800 cultural operators from all over Europe.
For more information:
EYCH2018 campaign website (including a list of events at national and EU level)
Dedicated publication: Spotlight on the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and MiBACT Tourism
Municipality of Venice
Ca 'Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venice
free number: 800 496200
fax 041 2748182
According to a new Eurobarometer survey on cultural heritage:
- 8 out of 10 Europeans believe that cultural heritage is important not only on an individual level, but also for its community, region, country and for the EU as a whole;
- a great majority of citizens is proud of cultural heritage, whether it is located in its own country or region, or in another European country;
- more than 7 out of 10 European citizens also believe that cultural heritage can improve the quality of life;
- 9 out of 10 Europeans think that cultural heritage should be taught in schools;
- three quarters of citizens believe that Member States and the EU must allocate more resources to protect Europe's cultural heritage.
In 2018 will be done as much effort as possible in order to raise awareness about the social and economic importance of cultural heritage and to celebrate Europe's cultural wealth and diversity. The role of the European Union is therefore to support and complete the action of the Member States in safeguarding and enhancing the European cultural heritage through transnational projects financed through a specific call for proposals under the Creative Europe program, which aims to support the European cultural and creative sector, and other EU programs and policies such as the Horizon 2020 work program, the Natura 2000 network, the Europe for Citizens program, the Erasmus + program and the Cohesion Fund for the 2014-2020 period.