17.06.2019 -Conference “Producing from waste: sustainable energy and beyond. Circular economy experiences and projects”


The EU Sustainable Energy Week was held in Venice from 17 to 21 June 2019.
The cycle of appointments and events, now in its ninth year, is in line with the central one in Brussels.
The events were all free. Experiences at local and national level, open issues, good practices and news have been highlighted to inform citizens about the various impacts that energy efficiency and renewable sources have on everyone’s lives.

Monday 17 June 2019 at 16,30 at the Venezia Mestre Hotel Tritone Best Western, viale Stazione 16, was held the conference Producing from waste: sustainable energy and beyond. Circular economy experiences and projects”:

Pierantonio Belcaro, President of the Association NordEstSudOvest
Gianfranco Gramola
The "European Week for Waste Reduction" and the "3R”: Reduction, Reuse and Recycling
(slides attached)

Silva Papalino, EuropeDirect Venezia Veneto
Riccardo Seccarello for Vladimiro Agostini, President of Veritas s.p.a.
Veritas spa experiences and projects for the Venetian territory
(slides attached)

Alberto Ferro, President of Eco-ricicli Veritas s.r.l.
Ecodistrict of Fusina - Venice: the point of the situation
Sofia Corsi, External relations ALDA
The Project ENLARGE is available here and the Gamebook for the local decision-making simulation is available here
See the video "ENLARGE project’s contribution to NordEstSudOvest Association"

(slides attached)

Enrico Cancino, CEO of Green Tech Italy Rete d’impresa
The development of enterprise networks in the circular economy
(slides attached)

Antonio Casotto, President of Ethan Group
Industrial waste management: problems and opportunities

Massimo Fuccaro, Direttor General of NET s.p.a.,representing also CiviESCO s.r.l.
Biowaste-to-energy: one of the most sustainable stages of the circular economy

Roberto Galeazzi, Chairman of the consortium VALMAU
The recovery of energy and useful materials from the waste of wine production
Lorenzo Lastella, CEO of Energintech s.r.l.
ZIP-Zero Impact Platform: energy products and energy from waste and biomass
(slide attached)
Elena La Rocca, Councillor of the Municipality of Venice
Local waste and local energy policies

The flyer of the Conference is available here in pdf

Photos of the Conference:
Desk con materiale informativo
foto del pubblico partecipante
foro di un relatore che parla
foto di un relatore che parla
foto di un relatore che parla

For information:
Comune di Venezia
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venezia
Green number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182

Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/06/2019 ore 17:55