13.09.2022 - 18.11.2022 Eurotraining Course 2022

Eurotraining course 2022

 Also this year from September 13 to October 18, 2022, the Eurotraining course aimed at citizens and businesses in the Veneto region will be held. The course is organized by Unioncamere of Veneto - Eurosportello in collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the City of Venice and the Veneto Region in the fiels of Convention PMI 2020 –  “Programe of information of small and middle businesses on economics communitarian policies and the development of enterprenuership in the Veneto region”.

More info

To enroll to fill up the form online 


The course is structured the ten training meetings in webinar mode on topics related to planning from both direct and indirect EU resources and European programs offering business support services. The ten days are divided into three moments, the first where it will focus on European institutions, reference elements and indirect funds, the second on dentification of funding oppotunities and building a project proposal, and the third on groups by program of interest. 

The initiative aims to help spread more widely in the region the opportunity for training and the enhancement of skills available in the business support system.

The 10 training days are divided into 3 themes: 
European institutions, reference elements and indirect funds
Identifying the funding opportunity and building a project proposal
Groups by interest program module (optional based on participants' expressions of interest)

Complementing the topic on euroformaizon and europrojecting is the online publication  "Guide to European funds 2022"It is possible to request an hard copy in italian at the following link.

European institutions, reference elements and indirect funds

1) Tuesday, September 13, 2022: 
European Institutions and their role in the definition and implementation of Financial programming and general presentation of European programs under direct and indirect management.

Introduction to the Institutions, Agenda 2030 and presentation of Programming 2021 - 2027
Dr. Silvia Valli - Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union 
Focus Next Generation EU and PNRR
Dr. Eleonora Marton - Unioncamere del Veneto/Venicepromex 

2) Friday, September 23, 2022: 
Focus on direct and indirect European programs of greatest interest to course participants.

Regional Policy - Structural Funds Territorial Cooperation Macroregional Strategies.
Dr. Rossella Rusca
Updates on territorial cooperation-what impact for the Veneto Region Veneto Region 
Dr. Rita Bertocco
Innovation: LIFE program and HorizonEU - 1 project case on local supply chain T2i
Dr. Marco Galanti
Training: Erasmus+ program/new skills for the digital world T2i 
Dr. Chiara Remundos 
3) Friday, September 30, 2022
Information tools (website, etc.), structure of calls for proposals, what is useful to know, and where to look for it

Evolution of European design: what is expected from a European project the socio-political aspects behind European programs 
Prof. Adriana Martini



Identify the funding opportunity and build a project proposal

4) Friday, October 7, 2022
Designing the project proposal:

Developing a project fiche
How to develop the project idea and fund project ideas with direct and indirect programs and/or funding lines
Prof. Adriana Martini

5) Friday, October 14, 2022
European project writing techniques and methods: 

Project cycle management, guided simulation
Completion of application form
Defining objectives, partnership, time plan and logical framework
Prof. Adriana Martini
6) Friday, October 21, 2022
Financial planning of European projects:

Preparation and budgeting,
Analysis of costs and verification of their consistency with project activities
Dr. Valentina Colleselli


7) Friday, October 28, 2022
Evaluation of a European project: 

Evaluation criteria, consistency with the call and the project
Method of evaluation of project proposals
Dr. Manuela Costone

8) Friday, November 4, 2022
Crowdfunding - additional tool for funding one's project ideas: 

What is crowdfunding
What types of crowdfunding exist
What projects can be financed with crowdfunding
Dr. Andrea Grigoletto - Chair of the Italian Strategic Group of Eurocrowd

Groups form for program of interest (optional based on participants' expressions of interest)

9) Friday, November 11, 2022
Innovation, research, green technologies, ICT, digitization, smart manufacturing area 

Dr. Valentina Colleselli and Galileo Park

10) Friday, November 18, 2022
Culture, tourism, social sustainability

Dr. Valentina Colleselli and Parco Galileo

The course is aimed at businesses, local authorities, freelancers and those who want to expand their knowledge of European programs and techniques for developing project proposals.


For more info:

Unioncamere del Veneto - Eurosportello
Enterprise Europe Network
Edificio Lybra, via delle Industrie 19/D
30175 Venezia Marghera
tel 041 0999 411 / 311 - fax 041 0999401
da lunedì a giovedì dalle 9.00 alle 17.30
venerdì dalle 9.00 alle 16.00

Comune di Venezia
Europe Direct Venezia Veneto
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venezia
numero verde 800 496200
fax 041 2748182


Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/08/2022 ore 00:27