EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018
From May 18 to June 15 2018, took place the 8th edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week in Venice. The series of events and meetings are in line with the main ones in Brussels. All of them are completely free.
During the events were highlighted the experiences at local and national level, open issues, useful activities and news in order to inform citizens about the various impacts that energy efficiency and renewable sources have on everyone's life.
There were hundreds of "Energy Day" events organized in different European cities, with the participation of the major players in the renewable and efficiency energy sector.
Purpose: to disseminate best practices, to inspire new ideas and to promote networking activities in the field of efficiency and renewable energy sources.
For the eighth consecutive year, the Venetian event has been included in the official European program.
Go to the official European website
The event was organized by the Association NordEstSudOvest and, from 2012, Europe Direct of the City of Venice participates directly in the organization of the Venetian event with the presence in conferences and meetings, in the information stands in Mestre, with the distribution of institutional materials of the European Union.
The Venice Week is sponsored by the European Commission, the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Veneto Region, local authorities, professional associations and other subjects.
- Friday 18 May 2018 at 10.30
Conference "Urban regeneration: the new boundary of energy sustainability"
Informambiente via dei willici 35 - Padua
- Monday 4th June 2018, 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Conference "Environmental and energy sustainability in construction: new solutions, materials, regulations"
Venice Mestre, Cloister of M9, via Poerio 24
- Wednesday 6 June 2018 9.00 - 12.00
Conference "The ITER project: is reproducing the sun in the laboratory possible?"
RFX Consortium - C.N.R. Corso United States, 4 - Padua
- Wednesday 6 June 2018 from 12.00 to 13.00
Technical visit to the installations of the C.N.R. RFX Consortium - C.N.R.
Corso United States, 4 - Padua. Technical illustration by Giuseppe Zollino
-Wednesday 6 June 2018 at 17.00
Conference "Sustainable energy & sustainable mobility - Towards a low-emission future: experiences and projects"
Venice Mestre, Cloister of M9, via Poerio 24
-Friday 8 June 2018 16.00 - 19.00
Hotel Bologna - Sala Calliope - Via Piave 214 Mestre
Conference "Communicating sustainable energy: from global scenarios to local situations. The role of the information organs of, local authorities and companies "
- Friday 15 June 2018 at 8.30 pm
Multipurpose Hall Barchessa di Villa Concina via Comunetto 5 - Dolo
Conference "Speeches about energy sustainability in the Municipality of Dolo: experiences, projects, comparisons"
-Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 May, Padua, via Oberdan
- Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th May, Chioggia, Corso del Popolo
- From Monday 4 to Friday 8 June, Venezia Mestre, Cloister of M9 via Poerio 24
- Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June, Jesolo Lido, Piazza Brescia
- Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June, Mogliano Veneto, Piazza Caduti