DVD "EUROPE IN A POCKET. Explore the World...Veneto on the move!"

Europe Direct of the City of Venice is a service of information of the European Commission which works in the Veneto region to increase the knowledge and debates regarding european themes, in particular addressed to the youth and schools, it offers a new free DVD of abroad orientation after high school graduation.
The DVD shows to young high school student initiatives which increase people's skills, and they encourage personal growth, adaptability and employability.
The DVD is available in italian on request, for free (shipping method to be agreed upon by the applicant)
Target: teachers and student by the end of secondary school.
DVD "EUROPE IN A POCKET. Explore the World...Veneto on the move!" is a virtual lesson in transnational educational mobility with study and work opportunities abroad.
- Video DVD "Diploma in a pocket: What to do abroad?" (44 minutes)
The relevant handout is available on the DVD.
Rapporter: Bernd Faas, Euroculture Association of Vicenza
Video: "Diploma in a pocket: what to do abroad" - duratian 44'00'':
- Short term opportunities (youth exchange, languages course, work's camp)
- Languages: recognised exams
- Medium-long term opportunities (University experience, Stage in companies, Au Pair, Medium-long term volunteering, Vocational training, Work opportunities)
- Working Holiday Visa (Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Canada)
The DVD is produced by Europe Direct and Eurodesk of the City of Venice with the financial support of the European Commission and it is part of the project "Explore the world- Veneto on the move!".
The Speaker, Bernd Faas, working for over 20 years in the field of international mobility. His professional presence is about orientation, preparation and implementation of activities abroad in working sectors, internships. formation and volunteering.
The Euroculture Association of Vicenza works on international mobility since 1993. Guidance counselling, the seminars "Careers Abroad" and "Mobi-Flash", the magazine "Time to Move and the newsletter "Move" are some of the instruments that they allow to define the approved route for personal growth and through being abroad.
The DVD is available for schools and students:
For more Information:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Toll-free number: 800 496200
e-mail infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
web www.comune.venezia.it/europedirect
ATTENTION: Teachers can request a copy sending an email by request (shipping method to be agreed upon by the applicant): infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it