21.03.2019 "Musical Walk" in Mestre

Thursday 21th March 2019, on the occasion of the European Day of Ancient Music, the city of Venice promoted a "Musical Walk" in collaboration with Europe Direct Venice Veneto and numerous schools and local associations. As part of the activities organized by the Municipality of Venice for the initiative "Le Città in Festa", this day included a walk with short stops accompanied by the performance of music by young artists.
Free event open to the citizenship until all seats are taken.
The event is the result of the collaboration of the City of Venice with:
- Cinema Dante
This event is also included in the "Primavera dell'Europa" initiative promoted by the European Commission Representation in Italy; an opportunity for schools and cities that aims to bring Europe among citizens, especially among the youngest.


15:00 Franchetti
Choir of Liceo Franchetti
15.30 Cinema Dante
Trasverse flutes ensamble of IC C.G. Cesare
16:05 Negozio PIAVE 67
Violins quartet
16:35 Scuola Cesare Battisti
Clasrinets ensamble of IICC C.G. Cesare e M. Hack
17:05 Scuola Giulio Cesare
Ensemble “Nuovo Mondo”
17:40 Scuola Silvio Pellico
Youth orchestra

Artistic direction Alessandro Terrin

Direzione artistica Alessandro Terrin

Photos of the Choir of Liceo Franchetti:

Photos of the Trasverse flutes ensamble of IC C.G. Cesare:

Photos of the Ensemble “Nuovo Mondo”:

Photos of the Youth orchestra:

For further information
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
green number 800 496200

Ultimo aggiornamento: 19/04/2019 ore 12:06