20.01-19.02.2020 Meetings on active citizienship for high schools

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the Municipality of Venice and its services, Europe Direct, Civil Service and Electoral Service, promote an initiative to raise awareness of active citizienship through the handing over of the electoral cards by the President of the City Council Ermelinda Damiano to all secondary schools in the Municipality. A symbolic gesture to stimulate active and responsible participation in italian and european citizienship and awareness of the vote, the right and duty of every citizen.

Between January 20 and February 19, 2020, the President of the City Council Ermelinda Damiano will personally visit the secondary schools of the Municipality and with the occasion of the handing over of the electoral cards to the new eighteen-year-old students, the services Europe Direct, Civil Service and Electoral Service will discuss the issues of active and responsible citizenship both Italian and European, non-violence and the Universal Civil Service.

Read the news on the Live section of the Municipality of Venice website

Institues and high schools in Mestre involved on January 20, 2020:
- Istituto Comprensivo Berna
- Istituto Salesiano San Marco
- Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria L.Luzzatti
- Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Statale U.Morin


Institues and high schools in Venice involved on January 22, 2020:
- Liceo Artistico statale M.Guggenheim
- Liceo Classico R.Franchetti
- Istituto di Istruzione Superiore A.Pacinotti
- Istituto Scolastico Paritario G.Parini


Institues and high schools in Venice involved on January 29, 2020:
- Liceo Scientifico G.Bruno
- Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale C.Zuccante
- Liceo Statale L.Stefanini
- Istituto di Istruzione Superiore A. Gritti

Institues and high schools in Venice involved on February 10, 2020:

- Liceo Classico Musicale Artistico Marco Polo
- Istituto Cavanis

Institues and high schools in Venice involved on February 12, 2020:
- Liceo Classico ed Europeo M.Foscarini
- Liceo Scientifico G.B.Benedetti

Institues and high schools in Venice involved on February 19, 2020:
- IPSEOA A.Barbarigo
- Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Vendramin Corner, sede Corner


For further information
Europe Direct of the Municipality of Venice
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - Venice
numero verde 800 496200
fax 041 2748182
Ultimo aggiornamento: 28/02/2020 ore 11:38