25.05.2024 Free guided tour M9 – Museum of the 20th century


Free guided tour with European thematic itinerary
M9 – Museum of the 20th century

10-11am and 4-5pm
Via G. Pascoli 11, Mestre
==> Event included in the Europe Day in Venice 2024
Free entry upon reservation

foto museo

On Saturday 25 May 2024 it was possible to visit for free M9 - Museum of the 20th century with a guided tour along a European thematic route on the occasion of the celebrations for the Europe Day in Venice 2024 thanks to the collaboration between Europe Direct Venezia Veneto of the Municipality of Venice and M9 - Museum of the 20th century.

By booking the guided tour it was also possible to access the temporary exhibition "Banksy. Painting Walls" on the great street artist Banksy for free on the same day.

To access the guided tour, booking was required.
In case of cancellation of the reservation, it is necessary to notify to give other people the opportunity to take advantage of the free guided tour.
Once the reservation has been made, to cancel it it is necessary to communicate it via email to infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it or by calling the toll-free number 800 496200.
logo M9


Some photos of the event:
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
E-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Via Giovanni Pascoli 11
30171 Venezia Mestre
telefono: +39 041 0995941
E-mail: info@m9museum.it
Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/05/2024 ore 09:23