18.03.2022 Meeting "The future is in your hands" for the Conference on the Future of Europe

Free entrance with Green Pass (except for exemptions). Wear a FFP2 mask and maintain interpersonal distance.
Booking required up to availability until 17 March 2022 and here you can find the link for the registration
To follow the online event on Zoom, please connect to the link received after your registration
Photos of the event:

Indirizzi di saluto e presentazione della piattaforma CoFE:
- Giovanni MERUZZI (Vice-Director of the Law Department, University of Verona)
- Caterina FRATEA (Associate professor of European Union Law, University of Verona)
- Francesco GARZA (Coordinator of the Italian Network of the European documentation centres - Europe Direct)
- Isolde QUADRANTI (CDE Università di Verona)
- Francesca VIANELLO (Europe Direct Venezia Veneto director)
- Fabrizio SPADA (European Parliament - Italian Office)
- Adelaide MOZZI (European Commission - Representation in Italy)
- Donata GOTTARDI (full Professor of Labor Law, University of Verona; already Member of the European Parliament)
- Alessandra MORETTI (Member of the European Parliament)
- Giorgio ANSELMI (President of Casa Europa of Verona, already President of the Federalist European Movement)
- Marco BORRACCETTI (Associate Professor of European Law, University of Bologna)
- Davide DIVERIO (full Professor of European Union Law, University of Milano)
- Venera PROTOPAPA (senior researcher of Labor Law, University of Verona)
- Roberto CIAMBETTI (President of the Veneto Regional Council and Coordinator of the Conference of the Presidents of Autonomous Regional Legislative Assemblies)
- Marzio FAVERO, Giacomo POSSAMAI (Veneto Regional Councilors)
- Paolo M. GROSSHOLZ (Responsible Law and EU Policies Area, Union-Confcommercio Enterprises for Italy Milan-Lodi-Monza and Brianza)
- Stefano FACCI (Secretary General CGIL Verona)
- Giampaolo VEGHINI (Secretary General CISL Verona)
Moderated by: Matteo SCOLARI (journalist and e director of the Verona Network)
Debate with intervention from youth associations and representatives of the Student Council, University of Verona.
- ESN - Erasmus Student Network (headquarters of Verona, Padova and Venezia)
- GFE - Gioventù Federalista Europea (headquarters of Verona e Venezia)
- ELSA - The European Law Student's Association (headquarter of Verona)
- VDS - Venice Diplomatic Society
Press review:
- 16.03.2022 Verona Sera: Eurodeputati, docenti e studenti a confronto sul futuro dell'Europa: evento il 18 marzo all'Università
Europe Direct del Comune di Venezia
Via Spalti 28, Mestre-Venezia
numero verde gratuito 800 496200
e-mail: infoeuropa@comune.venezia.it
Revisione dei contenuti: 24/03/2022