"Lessons of Europe"- webinar series 2024


From Feb. 15 to April 18, 2024, "Lessons of Europe", a series of nine webinars on topics related to the European Commission's "Work Plan for 2024", organized in collaboration with the Centers of Europe Direct Roma Innovazione, Europe Direct Siena, Europe Direct Trapani Sicilia, Europe Direct Chieti, Europe Direct Provincia di Verona, Europe Direct Venezia Veneto, Europe Direct Emilia-Romagna, Europe Direct Lombardia, and Europe Direct Molise, will be held.

The aim is to raise awareness of various European issues, in fact the following topics will be covered: EU enlargement and international policy issues, Europlanning, drought and European funding with a focus on National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) projects, active citizenship and European elections.

"Lessons of Europe" are intended for all citizens, university and secondary school students and journalists. In organizing the Lessons of Europe, speakers from the various DGs of the European Commission will be involved, including that of the Joint Research Center, the European Digital and Health Executive Agency, the National Contact Points for European Programs, the Office in Italy of the European Parliament, and possibly Team Europe. 

The webinar series is free and open to all citizens, university and secondary school students and journalists. To participate, it is necessary to register on the Formez PA website.

Program "Lessons of Europe - 2024 edition" (February - April) : SEE INTERACTIVE FLYER
The European Union and funding opportunities
Feb. 15, 10-11:30 a.m., Webinar 1. The Europe of Health. The Horizon "Mission Cancer" Program
Feb. 22 10-11:30 a.m., Webinar 2. Learn the art and put it aside: how to present a European project
Feb. 29 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 3.  The CERV program: citizenship, equality, rights and values
 Challenging times. The European Union and the international scenario
March 7, 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 4. The European Union and the international (dis)order
March 14, 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 5. Outside and Inside Europe. The Brexit and the upcoming enlargements of the Union
The Green Deal, AI and their concrete applications
March 21, 10-11:30 a.m., Webinar 6. Drought alert: EU action against the water crisis
April 4, 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 7. Making cities livable: the New European Bauhaus
April 11, 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 8. Artificial Intelligence
Active citizenship and European elections
April 18, 10-11.30 a.m., Webinar 9: Make your voice heard: the June 2024 European elections 
Further information:
City of Venice
Europe Direct Venice Veneto
Ca' Farsetti, San Marco 4136 - 30124 Venice
toll-free number 800 496200
fax 041 2748182


Ultimo aggiornamento: 31/01/2024 ore 11:13