15-19.10.2018 Model European Parliament - Bassano del Grappa

From 15 to 19 October 2018 was held in Bassano del Grappa / VI), at the ITET "L. Einaudi" the XXV National session of MEP - Model European Parliament, simulation of the legislative procedure of the European Union, thanks to the collaboration between Associazione MEP ItaliaEurope Direct del Comune di Venezia under the patronage of the European Parliament, Città di Bassano del Grappa and  Regione del Veneto.

The MEP is a conference during which high school students take on the role of MEPs by simulating the work of the European Parliament, following the steps of the ordinary legislative procedure which are adopted for the directives and regulations.

135 delegates, 40 teachers and school managers, 20 committee chairpersons, 13 staff students coming from 28 Secondary Secondary Schools of the MEP School Network from all over Italy took part in the activities.

MEP 2018's topics:
1) COMMITTEE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AFET) From the management of the migration emergency to the need to stabilize the relations between the European Union and the African states in crisis”.
2) COMMITTEE OF DEVELOPMENT (DEVE) On the EU-Africa strategy: an impetus for development”.
3) COMMITTEE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE (INTA)Towards a digital business strategy”.
4) COMMITTEE OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS (EMPL) For the implementation of the European disability strategy”.
5) COMMITTEE OF THE ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY (ENVI) “On the international governance of the oceans: an agenda for the future of our oceans in the context of sustainable development goals”.
6) COMMITTEE OF THE INTERNAL MARKET AND CONSUMER PROTECTION (IMCO) Saving lives: improving vehicle safety in the EU”.
7) COMMITTEE OF TRANSPORTATION AND TOURISM (TRAN) A new European strategy for intelligent and cooperative transport systems”.
8) COMMITTEE OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (AGRI)For a new regulation on the protection of workers against risks arising from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work, with particular reference to agriculture”.
9) COMMITTEE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS (JURI) "Copyright in the digital single market".
10) COMMITTEE OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY(FEMM) Combating female unemployment in youth employment initiatives in EU Member States".

MEP is an excellent opportunity for students to understand international diplomacy and to refine their negotiation, leadership and public speaking skills in a language other than their own.

Photos of the event:

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fax 041 2748182

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/01/2019 ore 12:06