Sportelli in provincia di Rovigo

List of the decentered information desk of the Europe Direct network of the Municipality of Venice in Rovigo province:

Rovigo Province
Public Relations Office
Street Ricchieri detto Celio, 10
45100 Rovigo
tel 0425 3861 41/72/73
from monday to friday from 9.30 to 12.30
monday and wednesday also from 15.00 to 17.30

Veneto Region
Public Relations Office
Avenue della Pace, 1/d
45100 Rovigo
tel 0425 397422
from monday to friday from 9.00 to 12.30
tuesday and thursday from 15.00 to 16.45

Commerce Chamber Venezia Rovigo
External Relations office - URP
Garibaldi Square, 6

45100 Rovigo
tel 0425 426446 - fax 0425 426466


Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/12/2019 ore 13:13